I have started experimenting with a new cloud-based application called Chromatik. This application allows us to share written music, recordings, and comment on the music and performances. My challenge to band students is as follows...
- Download this free app
- Register yourself with Chromatic
- Join the playlist I have set up (Band Exercise #1) using Join Code- K3L0M5NT
- Record yourself playing any 4 scales from the exercise pages
- Share your best take with me
As you begin sharing your scales with me, I will comment on your shared recording by letting you know in what order I have received it. If you have any questions or comments, please use the comment forum below the post.
The first 20 band students to submit a shared recording will win a special prize!!!*
*legal disclaimer- prize with 3 exclamations points should not be construed as a prize of any major significance, i.e. this will not make you independently wealthy